(888) 874-0208
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We are an independent agency with the customer in mind

We started Universal Insurance Services because we believe in the importance of  honesty, compassion, experience, knowledge, and dedication. Insurance doesn’t have to be a cold, boring, impersonal or antagonistic experience.

We want to build real relationships with people who value great customer service.


We are here for you

Let us help you find the best auto and affordable insurance for you and your family.


Reduce your stress

Let us do the “shopping” around for you, we will work with you to meet your needs.


Get a FREE quote

Quickly and easily submit your request for a free automobile insurance quote.

Yesenia Manjares

Yesenia Manjares

Entrepreneur, Notary public, with more than 20 years of experience in the Insurance Industry. Co-founder of Universal Insurance Services..

Jazmín Montes

Jazmin is our Customer Service Representative and she will be pleased to attend your questions about the perfect insurance for you. We want to build real relationships with people who value great customer service.

Jazmin Montes

We are an independent agency with the customer in mind.

We have relationships with dozens of insurance companies, allowing you to get the right service at an affordable price. Whether you have the ideal history, preferred companies desire, or a not so perfect history, we find the right coverage, with the best company, at the best price for you.

Why do insurers need so much information?2020-12-17T22:03:33-08:00

When you apply for an insurance policy, you will be asked a number of questions. For example, the agent might ask you your name, age, gender, address, etc. In addition, you will be asked a number of other questions which will be used to determine how likely you are to make a claim.

What are the advantages to using an agent to purchase insurance?2020-12-17T22:04:44-08:00

By using an agent to purchase insurance, the policyholder receives more personal service. An agent with whom there is direct contact can be vital when purchasing a product and absolutely necessary when filing a claim. A local, independent agent is able to deliver quality insurance with competitive pricing and local personalized service.

Do I really need to purchase automobile insurance?2020-12-17T22:06:06-08:00

Most states have insurance laws that require drivers to have at least some automobile liability insurance. These laws were enacted to ensure that victims of automobile accidents receive compensation when their losses are caused by the actions of another individual who was negligent.

We are your insurance specialists

As an independent insurance agent we can offer the right coverages with the personal touch you would expect from your neighborhood insurance agent.

Are you ready to get a quote?
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